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Does Technology Make Us Lonelier?

Jenna Lawrence | Opinion Editor

Ever since technology has become extremely advanced and popular, more people than ever either have or have access to phones, computers, televisions, and other smart devices. Have you ever heard an adult in your life tell you “You never put your phone down?” Older individuals tend to believe that the younger generation, Gen Z and Gen Alpha, are addicted to their phones and technology in general. So, are there differences between the way older generations interact with others versus younger ones?

By observing the older adults I’ve been exposed to, they are also subject to spending a lot of time on their electronics. Technology has become so normalized that a significant amount of people spend time using it for a long time every day. But does this mean that we are becoming lonelier because of the amount of time we spend on our electronics?

Before technology, people had other things they spent their time on/ doing, such as reading, board games, cards, and more. It also is true that people used to spend more time with others before phones and other technology. It isn’t necessarily our fault though. As our world becomes more technologically advanced, things that used to be real objects or on paper are being transferred to electronic devices. There are eBooks, many school assignments are typed and submitted electronically, and you can basically look anything up.

So, does this same phenomenon carry over to people’s relationships? On one hand, technology is helpful in maintaining some relationships. People in long-distance relationships or friendships use technology to communicate with each other through FaceTime or other video chat platforms, social media, and texting. Additionally, even relationships and friendships that are in close proximity benefit from technology because it allows for communication when not together.

On the other hand, technology has led to the rise of cyberbullying and internet hate or harassment. Cyberbullying and online harassment can cause people, especially teenagers and young people, to isolate themselves and can negatively impact their day-to-day lives when it comes to interacting with others. There also is such a thing as overusing your electronics, which can also lead people to not spend as much time with their friends or family. To avoid becoming lonelier it could be beneficial to manage your screentime and make it a point and a goal to spend more time with the people who count.


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The Campus Lantern ~ Eastern Connecticut State University

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